Water is life!

Stay hydrated

Water is the elixir of life. It makes up 70% of our bodies! It ‘s important to stay hydrated to keep our concentration and performance up and to avoid headaches and fatigue.

Throughout the day, it’s important to get at least 1.5 litres of unsweetened fluids throughout the day – with meals and in between. That’s the equivalent of about 6-8 glasses.

Feel fuller fast


Having a glass of water 15 mins before every meal will fill your stomach and make you feel fuller. This could be a good way to manage your portions if you tend to overeat.  Water is the healthiest choice, but unsweetened drinks like sparkling water, fruit or herbal tea and coffee can also be healthy.

If you opt for milk, go for semi-skimmed, 1% fat or fully skimmed.

Hunger or thirst

Thirst can often be mistaken for hunger. To know what your body truly needs, try having a glass of water when you start to feel hungry. If the hunger calms down, it’s a sign that your body was probably craving fluids more than food