Meals and snacks

Is it better to have 3 main meals a day or 5-6 smaller meals? While there’s no right or wrong answer, it’s about knowing what works best for your body. If you prefer having 3 meals a day, then do that. If you get hungry in between – not just a craving – feel free to have 1-2 healthy snacks. Fruit or veg are perfect!


Why have snacks?

With the right snacks, it’s possible to satisfy hunger, boost concentration and prevent cravings, since they keep the body’s blood sugar level stable. Read on for more information!

Plan snacks in to avoid cravings.


Choose natural foods where possible!

Snacks can be healthy or unhealthy – it depends on what we choose. Healthy snacks should contain as few ingredients as possible and should be unprocessed whenever possible. Processing causes foods to lose important nutrients and sugar, additives, fats and oils are often added along the way.


Healthy snacking

Healthy snacks are nutritious and don ‘t contain too many calories – seasonal fruit and veg are a great choice. They can also be combined with starchy foods like bread or nuts, depending on how much energy is needed. Snacks shouldn’t contain any processed sugar or white flour. Wash them down with water or unsweetened tea.



Fruit contains a lot of water, minerals and vitamins. Its natural sugar gives us energy and the fibre it contains makes us feel fuller for longer. Fruit also contains a number of plant substances which help protect the cells and ward off free radicals. These plant substances give some fruit and veg their colour.

Have 2 portions of fruit a day (1 portion = 1 handful) and make sure to have a variety of seasonal produce.


Vegetables can be eaten raw, cooked, in salad, soup or sauces. Vegetables contain lots of water, minerals, vitamins and fibre. Fibre improves digestion and makes us feel full for longer.

Have a minimum of 3 portions of vegetables a day (120 g each), but feel free to enjoy as many as you wish!


Unsalted nuts and seeds

Healthy and nourishing

Nuts and seeds are popular snacks and toppings for salads, soups and muesli. They have a high fat content, but the majority of their fats are essential and important for the body. Unsalted nuts and seeds also contain a number of vitamins and minerals. Have a small handful a day (20-30 g).

Choose nuts with the shells. Having to work for them makes us appreciate them more!


Milk and dairy products

A great alternative or addition to fruit and veg’

Milk and dairy products are a great addition to our portion of fruit and vegetables. They can also be a snack in their own right. Dairy products include milk, yoghurt, quark and cheese. Natural varieties don’t contain any added sugar and are high in protein, vitamins and minerals.

Delicious as a dip or on their own!