Vitamin E - the protection vitamin
Although vitamin E is less well-known than other vitamins, it plays a crucial role in your health. In this session, you will learn what effects it has, how much you need and which foods contain it.
Vitamin E -the immune-boosting protection vitamin
What is vitamin E?
Vitamin E is the most important fat-soluble antioxidant in your food. It consists of a group of similar substances, the vitamin E complex. This includes four tocopherols each and tocotrienol, of which there are different subforms. Alpha-tocopherol is the most commonly occurring one in nature and plays an important role in humans.
Vitamin E protects!
Vitamin E protects the cells of the body from damaging influences, such as free radicals. These are aggressive and highly reactive oxygen bonds that damage cells and tissues and can even destroy them.
Free radicals are produced by metabolic processes, but also by e.g. smoking, environmental poisons and UV radiation. This is why free radicals can predispose to diseases such as arteriosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, diabetes and cancer. As an antioxidant, vitamin E catches free radicals before they can cause any damage and also prevents the formation of free radicals.
Naturally occurring antioxidants, apart from Vitamin E, also include vitamin C, carotenoids and secondary plant substances.
It can do even more…
Vitamin E also supports the immune system, can prevent stiffening of the arteries and dampen inflammatory reactions. Additionally, it lowers the risk of blood clots and cardiovascular diseases. It is also said that vitamin E has skin protective qualities – because of this many skin creams or sun protection products contain
Vitamin E requirements and sources
How much do I need?
There are no exact values, the requirements can only be estimated. The reference value for adults between the ages of 25 and 51 is 12 (women) and 14 mg (men) of vitamin E equivalent per day.
To make the comparing the effectiveness of tocopherole easier, the amount of vitamin E substances is given in equivalents.
Foods rich in Vitamin E
contained in 100g food
- wheat germ oil: 123 mg
- sunflower oil: 52 mg
- sunflower seeds: 34.5 mg
- corn oil: 30.6 mg
- rapeseed oil: 30.1 mg
- olive oil: 27.8 mg
- margarine: 20 mg
- hazelnut: 18.1 mg
- peanut oil: 14.6 mg
- wheat germ: 10.2 mg
- hempseed oil: 8.37 mg
- Brazil nut: 5.7 mg
- soy oil: 5.5 mg
- walnut oil: 5 mg
- peanut butter: 4.7 mg
- sweet potato: 4.5 mg
- walnut: 3.8 mg
- salsify: 3.3 mg
- black currant: 2 mg
Vitamin E is sensitive
Vitamin E, like many vitamins, is sensitive to light, oxygen and repeated heating. Store vitamin E-containing foods protected from light and only heat them once (or
By the way: tocopherol is used by the food industry in the form of additives (E306, E307, E208, E309) to stabilise cooking fat, dressings and desserts.
Vitamin E deficiency and overdose
How dangerous is a vitamin E deficiency?
If you consume too little vitamin E, free radicals can spread and cause oxidative stress, leading, in the worst case, to deficits in muscle metabolism and the nervous system. A consequence can be damage to cells as well as nervous systems and skeletal musculature. This can become evident through e.g. difficulties walking, limited coordination, diseases of the retina or badly healing wounds.
However, vitamin E deficiency is very rare in Europe and almost exclusively affects people who cannot use the vitamin (e.g. if they suffer from cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis, coeliac disease, Crohn’s disease or liver disease or if they had a bowel operation).
Not too much of a good thing
With a normal diet, you don’t need to worry about an overdose. It’s a different thing when you reach for highly-dosed dietary supplements. If you take highly-dosed supplements over a longer time, your risk of bleeding and gastrointestinal complaints can increase.
Equally, people with blood clotting problems should watch their dose, especially when they are taking medications to thin their blood.
With a balanced diet, which includes high-quality plant oils, you neither risk a deficiency nor an overdose of vitamin E. Additional taking of supplements is not necessary. You should speak with your doctor before taking any supplements. There are some drugs that can impede the absorption of vitamin E.
With vitamin E to radiating skin
Natural vitamin E is a component of many skin care products. Studies show that it can penetrate deeper skin layers, repair damage to the skin barrier, be smoothing and protect from UV-induced skin ageing. Additionally, the vitamin is supposed to help the skin retain moisture better and protect it from inflammation.
Vitamin E strengthens the skin barrier
Vitamin E is also contained in sun screen in the form of alpha-tocopherol because it can prevent the oxidative degradation of lipids in the skin. As a cosmetic active component, the vitamin is mostly used in concentrations between two and 25 per cent.
As you can see, the intake of vitamin E is your optimal protection from cell damage and free radicals. It is the most important antioxidant occuring in your skin. With a balanced, fresh diet you can cover your daily needs without any problems. Before you go for artificial vitamin E supplements, talk to your doctor. Supplements are not always wise. An overdose or wrong combination of drugs can pose a risk to your health. Because of their special situation, breastfeeding and pregnant people especially should talk to their doctor.